A Town for Bald Women (BWS Series #1)

A Town for Bald Women

by LadyDaisy

Chapter 1:

Upstate New York, 1937

"Where is this place?" asked Phoebe.

"I believe it's not much farther after we passed that last town." replied Sophia.

Sophia was invited to a family member's house in Rhettsburg. She would have the house all to herself as they were away. It was deep into the heart of New York, but had a decent amount of people living there. Sophia had invited a few of her friends from the Bald Women's Society to come along, and Phoebe and Sasha accepted and were now in the car.

A look at their heads told each other it was a sunny day out, and there were a selection of nice greens in addition to the farmland. This would be the only town for several miles. It was just coming into fall, which was a break for the workers.

All three had met at the Bald Women's Society meetings. As Sophia had been young and shy once as well, she had befriended the two women, especially Sasha. Phoebe was a department store clerk and aspiring journalist. She had applied for a position as a Times copy girl, and was eagerly waiting to hear back.

As they were pulling in to the town, Sophia asked Sasha if this was the farthest she had been in the U.S. She said it was. Sasha was from Europe, and had moved with her family a few years back. There was a small Bald Women's Society for bald women in her home city, but not as big as the New York original which her mother soon found for her.

"Not many people around, are there?" Sasha asked. There wasn't. The three shiny-headed women couldn't see a single person walking around. It was a small town, sure- only in the thousands in population- but they had expected at least some form of life. There was none.

They drove up to the large house. Sophia's family was sure to be gone, as they found going into the house. There was no note or anything, but Sophia had called already. The three settled in over the next few hours. Phoebe and Sasha hopped in the shower together, as they were prone to do. Sophia sat down on the porch.

"Are there places for dinner here?" Sasha asked.

"Of course. And a grocery store." They went out to a restaurant that was advertised as being open, and seemed that way, but was devoid of any staff or customers. The next restaurant was like that as well, as the grocery store turned out to be. Knocking on doors revealed no one was home. It seemed as if the entire town had just vanished.

After a call to her relatives, Sophia sat back at the porch of the home again. "I've never seen anything like this. A complete ghost town. But we might as well have a little fun with everyone gone. Any suggestions?"

"I have something." Phoebe said. "Can someone call Miss Violet?"

"Good suggestion, Phoebe." Sophia said.


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