The Bald Women's Society

New York, 1905

It was that time again. Time for Dorothy's favorite social event. This, however, was a private event, held only for a certain breed of ladies. Dorothy was that sort of lady. She got looks of admiration as she waked, for her lovely dress, and that marvelous, flowing hair. She went into the building, came to the door of the suite, and knocked. The door creaked open a tiny bit. Dorothy slid a card in. The door opened a bit more, and she walked in.

Dorothy was relieved as she could finally take her scratchy wig off. She yanked it off, exposing her smooth head. It was a good feeling. Her special society, you see, was one for bald, hairless women. It was a complete secret. Oftentimes, Dorothy wished it wasn't so secretive, so they could have members join. Still, they had quite a group that came to the meetings. At that moment, her friend Etta came up to her, a shine reflecting off her bald head.

"Hello, Dorothy." she said, rubbing her head as if it was a crystal ball. "How's Hugh?"

"Oh, fine. I'm not sure if that silly boy wants to pursue anything serious. How have you been doing?"

"Decently enough. Oh, I have someone I'd like you to meet. Sophia!"

A girl around 18 came over, and she appeared to have hair, or at least a wig.

"Tell me, Sophia," asked Dorothy, "How did you get into this society?"

"Well," Sophia said secretly as if it was not obvious to everyone, "I'm bald."

"I thought so!" laughed Dorothy, "Well now, don't be shy. Let's see that head of yours." Sophia reluctantly complied and removed her wig. Her fellow bald women looked at her, seeming to appreciate. She actually seemed to get happier and more talkative after that. 

"Attention, attention, all." said Miss (?) Violet. She was the founder and leader of the group. "We all getting along? Everyone enjoying their bald selves?" The assorted crowd offered some positive response. "Good, good. I am pleased to announce we now have 60 official members! When I founded this society I never thought we would be able to get even three or four, but I am so happy we can get together for our little meetings! As I always say, get the word out to any bald women you know and soon we will have 70, 80, even 100!"

Dorothy quite liked the sound of that. She had offhandedly mentioned the events to her bald friend Tabitha and she had become a regular member of the society. Many of her friends with hair could be unreliable or odd, but she had to have made the best friends of her life in this group. Sixty members! Obviously, not everyone could come to every meeting, but Dorothy often tried to talk to everyone. Doing it in here was much easier than her normal society events. Pretty much everyone wanted to speak with one another, for obvious reasons. Everyone Dorothy talked to was like her: they had been bald since they had left their mothers' respective bellies, and never had a single hair grow on their heads, except eyebrows for some.

There were many conversations for the next several hours, both about baldness and anything really. Miss Violet finally politely excused everyone from her suite with mentions of looking forward to the next meeting and that she would see everyone in two weeks. Of course, those in her specific circle always stayed behind. She handed Sophia her special card, confirming her as the 60th member. Dorothy and Etta, the 37th and 38th respectively congratulated her specially among all the others. Dorothy, Etta, Sophia, and a few others put their wigs back on and went to a nice restaurant for dinner.

Dorothy noticed a husband and wife. The husband was dressed modestly but the wife was made to look quite attractive. By chance, Dorothy got up to the bathroom at the same time as the woman did. She didn't know that, though, and pushed the door to the ladies' room open. The wife yelped. Dorothy noticed a wig on the sink, and saw she was as bald as any member of her society.

Her own wig came off in the next second. "Would you like to visit my friends and I at our table? We are in a secret little club you might be interested in."


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