How the Three Girls Met

It was Megan’s first year of college. She was doing well academically, and also had a room to herself. This decision was reached by mutual agreement between Megan and Bettelheim University. The reason for this was that she was still in diapers. By the end of high school, everyone was aware of this, but she knew no one at this new school. For now, Megan was keeping it a secret, but she wished sincerely she could tell someone, and imagined what it would be like to.
A few months in, something happened that might have been what she was looking for. Megan was in her Creative Writing class, working silently, when she noticed a certain smell. Looking around, it appeared others did too. She of course was used to this smell, but others obviously weren’t. Her diaper was clean, it definitely wasn’t her. A girl in the class, she thought her name was Jill, raised her hand, looking rather embarrassed.
“May I use the bathroom?” Jill asked.
“Yes, you may.” the professor answered. She got up from her seat, blushing, and left the room with her bag over her shoulder. When she left and returned, the smell was gone. Megan immediately started to draw conclusions. Maybe she was just imagining things- yes, just hopeful thoughts, perhaps.
As it turned out, this exact scenario occurred several more times. It was becoming harder and harder to ignore. Finally, after Jill gone to the bathroom yet again, Megan raised her hand and asked if she could go as well. She received permission and went down. Megan opened the door.
Her suspicions were confirmed- Jill had taken her pants off and was wearing a white diaper. She let out a small yelp and dropped several changing supplies. 
“Oh my god, Megan- uh, uh…”
“Relax, Jill, it’s cool.” Megan said calmly. She proceeded to drop her pants, revealing her own diaper.
“Wow, um… I don’t really know what to say…”
“Don’t worry about it. I have to wear them, but I really enjoy it.”
“Yeah… I guess I do too.” Jill said.
“Glad to hear it! Hold on one second, though.” Megan had been holding in her pee for a while, but now she felt relaxed enough to do it. She let it all out as Jill watched in fascination. This diaper was going to be full. After what seemed like a long time, the last little drops ended.
“Well, now that both our diapers are full, how about we change each other?” Megan offered.
“I would love that!” Jill said enthusiastically.
“Alright, get down, I’ll change you first.” She did, and Megan pulled out one from her bag.
“Ah, cool. I’ve been wanting to try that kind.” she said as Megan slowly undid the offending diaper. “You’re good!”
“Why, thank you. I’ve had a lot of practice, you know.” Megan said, wiping her.
“Yeah, I bet...” Jill said. She paused as Megan finished up. Eager to help her new friend out, she jumped in almost immediately, hoping to replicate her earlier success.
“That’s a lot of piss.” Jill said, opening up the diaper.
“Well, I had a lot to drink!” Megan said. “Thanks for letting me try yours.”
“Oh, that’s no problem at all.” Jill completed the task. It wasn’t often she got to change another person. “I think we should get back to class.”
“Good idea.” said Megan, although it was likely nearly over by now. After class, the two started talking a lot more. As it turned out, they had a lot more in common than just diapers. Although the foundation for their friendship had pretty much been laid already, it was growing more. Jill became Megan’s roommate, and they spent a lot more time together. Both girls were extremely happy they had found the other.
One day, Jill put her computer on top of the book Megan was reading. 
“She’s hot… Natalia?”
“Yeah! I met her on this site. I talk to a lot of women on here, but she’s our age… and she lives the next state over!”
“Cool. I should probably be on there…”
“You should. Making an account is easy. Anyway, should we invite her over?”
She looked a little more. “Sure! She seems really cool! And also real.”
“Yeah. I’ll call her.” Jill said.
Natalia agreed to come over for the weekend. Meanwhile, Jill and Megan decided to plan something special for her visit. They were so excited, they could hardly wait.
Saturday morning came and Jill and Megan were waiting outside the dormitory. The car they were waiting pulled up.
“Natalia! So nice to meet you!” Jill said, running up to her.
“Thanks, you too. Is this Megan?” Natalia said, coming up to them.
“I’m Megan, yeah. You look even better than online!”
“Well thanks, you too. Can you help me with my things?”
“Sure.” As Megan walked, she noticed a little bit of Natalia’s diaper poking out above her jeans. “Looking good there, Natalia.”
Natalia brushed Megan’s ass. “Not bad yourself. I did have a long drive though...”
“Say no more, say no more.”
When they went in, Megan and Jill went to work on changing Natalia.
“So why’d you ask me to bring extra stuff?” Megan and Jill looked at each other and smiled.
“We were keeping it a secret, but I guess you can know now. We’re having a diaper party!” Jill exclaimed.
“Yeah, most if not all of the girls in the dorm are willing to participate.” Megan told Natalia.
“Wow, I can’t even get anyone at my school to change me. This sounds like fun!”
For everyone involved, it was. They ordered pizza and set up lots of candy and soda in the common room. Someone rigged a music player as well. Girls started showing up, some early, and would immediately be diapered. Megan, Jill, and Natalia were obviously the ones talking the most- and they were eager to tell anyone anything.
The venue was getting packed with diapered college girls. Nearly all of them wet themselves. Some were hesitant to mess at first, but they realized when boys came over there was a worse smell present. There were some who just wanted to stay in their used diapers, as they enjoyed the feeling. Others, working on instructions from the trio, changed each other.
For the event and beyond, Megan, Jill, and Natalia became very popular. Megan and Jill were just happy everyone knew about them now and were okay with it. Although it probably would have happened anyway, the girls decided to throw more parties, which everyone was happy about. They did pretty much whenever Natalia could and was willing to. A few years passed, and the three had the opportunity to get a house and live together. They accepted.


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