A Town for Bald Women, Chapter 2

"Thank you for inviting us all." Miss Violet said as she pulled up to the house. On top of her bald head, a large sunhat resided upon her head, as it was the next morning and sunny. Her three daughters got out with her. A carful of bald women had already arrived earlier that morning, and a lot more were on their way.

"It does seem like a complete ghost town from what I've seen." Dorothy said, coming out, Etta following her. "Quite an interesting phenomenon."

"Maybe there was a plague?" one of Violet's daughters asked.

"Or there are ghosts and ghouls that have scared everyone away." another added.

"Maybe Martians have stolen them! My friend told me-" 

"Girls, calm down, please," Violet said. "I doubt it's anything like that." Her daughters could be silly at times, but in her mind they were great otherwise. All three were bald as their mother.

"Well, whatever it is, how long are we going to stay here?" asked Etta. "This does seem fun, but I have other responsibilities."

"That's the other odd thing," Sophia said. "I called you, Violet, and you, Dorothy, but no one else has picked up the phone. I'd understand if my family members don't, but my husband said he wanted me to call after we got in. No one will pick up."

"A line is just probably down. Either way, it's another excuse to make the most of our time here. We've had retreats and trips before, but I feel this will be different. I'm certainly in no hurry to investigate." Violet went on. "Sophia, I am guessing you, Phoebe, and Sasha would like to stay in your family's house, but I like the look of the house next to the chapel." 

"Ok, that sounds good. Dorothy, do you want the house down the road?" Sophia asked.


Violet went to the house, which luckily had enough space for the four of them. Someone clearly lived there, but there was no trace of anyone being there recently- there was no mail to be collected, no coffee bubbling on the pot, and firm water in the bathroom. It was made up too, which, either way, they appreciated. Violet then went to go out to the grocery store.

When she came back to the house, Violet saw Maude's car pull up. Noticing her, she got out of her car and gave her a hug, as it had been a while since the two friends saw each other last. Maude then went to the other side of the car, and opened the door. It took a moment for Violet to notice that she was helping out Camille, a newer Society member.

"Hi, Camille!"

Camille grunted a hello. Maude explained Camille was eight months pregnant, and Violet then noticed her belly, proving her statement. Violet called her daughters to help her, as well as to bring the food in. It was the end of the month, so Camille's baby would hopefully be born this month. Violet's girls were already asking about the baby, but Camille didn't seem to be in the mood to answer.

As the day went on, more bald women showed up, not only from the NYC group but the Philadelphia, Boston, and Newark crowd also. There were even several coming down from Canada. Miss Violet greeted them all, and showed them to their homes for the following period of time. She also said to be at the chapel at sundown.

She guessed there were several hundred when the time came. They would all listen to her intently as Violet began, her daughters next to her.

"Well, my friends, I am pleased to see you all for this gathering. I do not know exactly how long this will go on or how this town became empty, but we can use it to have the greatest fun with ourselves. While this town is, apparently, to ourselves, we can have a town just for bald women. What do you think we should call it?"

"Baldsburg." called out someone, beginning a chain.

"Bald Women's Town."

"Violet Village."

"How about Smoothshine?" Phoebe suggested. The others seemed to like it.

"Everyone in agreement? Smoothshine it is then!" Violet announced. "Let it be a happy place, a haven for bald women everywhere!"

Applause went on through the chapel.


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