Fairweather Ranch, Chapter 5

Eve's horse got a little lost as she rode it. It was temperamental and went off the desired path several times. Eventually she stopped it for a moment and looked around the landscape. It was low, scraggly, and wasn't the sunniest day ever, not to mention blazing hot. But Eve still enjoyed it.

Another thing that was blazing was Eve's pussy with thoughts of Melody. They had so much sex over the last several days it was insane. She knew she couldn't have her arms all the time, but it was certainly a nice dream. She often dreamt of Melody fucking her dirty at night... and when they got up, they did it! 

She masturbated to these thoughts alone now, where no one could see or hear her. The juices came spurting from her pussy, a veritable never-ending stream of thoughts of Melody. She tried to replace, mentally, the feeling of Melody's touch with her own. Melody could get her clit so well...

Melody, meanwhile, was sneaking around the Chambers house. She had put her clothes back on for work, and was merely looking for a memento of Eve's that she could look at in the fields. She was trying, though, not to be seen by anyone else...

"Melody, shouldn't you be working?" Mr. Chambers said, coming up from behind her. Melody blushed and tried to get out of there as quickly as possible. 

"I'll get back soon..."

"Well, since you're here, why don't you sit down for a little, I don't mind. I'll even pour you a drink."

"Mr Chambers, it's fine." said Melody, sitting down for a moment anyway as she was tired. Mr. Chambers sat down next to her. 

"Say Melody, do any of the men on the ranch interest you?"

"No, no."

"Ah, I see. Just not looking for anyone right now?"

"I... I guess not..." But she was noticing the senior Chambers to have an erection. He often did around her. Was it because she was the only woman not related to him in miles? She hoped she would not have to reveal her lesbian pleasures.

There was a bit of an awkward period of silence until Melody got up to leave.

"If there's nothing else, Mr. Chambers, I'll leave. I'm sure you want more work to be done."

He got up and finally was honest with her.

"If you want, I'd like to fuck you, please."

"Mr. Chambers!" She was indignant.

"As you know, my wife died and I haven't had many women in my life since then." He explained.

"Well, I understand that, but I'm not feeling like sex right now." Melody neglected to mention that she felt like sex with his daughter every moment she wasn't actually having it.

"Maybe just quickly? I can come real quick." 

Melody knew he was thinking about what she would like to do with her at that moment, and decided to stand up for herself. "Sir, either I'm going back to work or I'm going and never coming back."

"If that's the way it has to be, then so be it." he sighed.

"Fine. Good luck finding a new farmhand." Melody was very angry and wasn't thinking very clearly. Not looking back, she stomped out of the house and didn't look back. There'd be a coach in town, she thought. Maybe then she could get a train to somewhere...

Mr. Chambers was a bit irritated at first, but moved past it. He wished he had at least gotten to see her breasts. He hadn't had many sexual partners beyond his wife. She was good- she always wanted more children, which meant he could have more fun with her. Of course he did wish that too, but oh well.

He sat back down in his armchair, remembering all the good times he and his wife had sexually. She would do anything as long as it wasn't painful. Sometimes they spent all night fucking, other times at a lesser rate but it was all good. He thought about it while almost dozing off.

A little while later, Eve walked in. "Hey. Where's Melody?"

It wasn't often Eve showed concern for the farmhands, so she probably wouldn't be happy to hear the next part. "Oh, her? She just quit. I don't know if..."


"Yeah. She probably won't be coming back."

If there ever was a dramatic moment in Eve's life, this was it. She tried to get out of the room before she really broke down. Back in her room, crying, she saw most of Melody's things still there. She wondered what to do.


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