Fairweather Ranch, Chapter 8

Eve had arrived in Dallas, but had no luck thus far. Most would have given up already, but the search for Melody was imperative for her. She'd actually met a few other lesbians, but they were just another part of her search. One lead her to a housewife who she slept with. Oh, the fun they had... it was like no other for her partner, but Eve only had one thing on her mind.

"Is there something wrong, dear?" the housewife asked.

"Well, I'm looking for someone, someone special." Eve gave a description of Melody, filled with the same loving, flowing detail she always did...

"Oh... was her name Melody?" Eve perked up and said it was.

"I hired her for some sex a little while ago. She's at the mansion where all the lesbian streetwalkers hang out."

"Oh, thank you, thank you, my dear." Eve ran for the door immediately.

"Miss... miss... don't you want your clothes?"

In the meantime, Melody had taken the offer and become an exclusively lesbian prostitute. Obviously, she much preferred it to her previous position. The wealthy widow who was her employer owned a large, luxurious mansion on the outskirts of town. She and Carrie were becoming close, and Melody could say she was a fine acquaintance of hers.

Melody was coming home from one of her clients. She had said she was only looking for companionship, but that didn't last long. She was one of the most ravenous ladies she had ever been with- in a good way. Her sex attitude got more wild to compete.

From the sounds in the bedroom, it seemed like Carrie and her mistress were having a "competition" of their own.

"Oh, yes, there, there!" she heard the older woman say.

"Mmm... cum for me." Carrie responded.

"I'm gonna, if you keep doing that!" A few moments later, she apparently did. The proof of that echoed all over the house.

They said they loved each other. Melody smiled.

A little while later, Carrie and her lover went to the door. 

"Hello, miss. What can I do for you?" 

"I'm looking for Melody, I hear she works here."

"Oh, my... Melody!" she called. "Come in, come in. Do you have an appointment?" Eve followed and waited.

"No... I know her..." Melody suddenly walked in. Her mouth hung open a little, but Eve went right in and gave her a big kiss. Melody was surprised to see her, but kissed back.

"Oh... Melody, I missed you so much." Eve went on, tears streaming down her face. Melody shed a few tears as well.

"This is Eve, the one I was telling you about." The others said hello. Melody then told Eve what had happened with her since she left.

"I came to get you, Melody. Don't you want to come on?" Melody thought for a few moments. "Oh, my lovely Melody, we can go away together, far away and be free to love each other." 

"Where would we go?"

"Anywhere we want... but not Fairweather Ranch, I think we can agree on that. Oh, darling is it even a choice? You've said you love me many times."

Melody had to think about it. She had only just arrived in Dallas and didn't know what the city would hold for her. Prostitution wasn't how she imagined herself ending up, but lesbian prostitution was all she could ask for out of employment. She might meet all new people... and perhaps one special one.

But wait, she thought. She was so sure it was Eve a few days ago. What had changed? The lesbian encounters were fun, but everything else wasn't. Certainly not like it was with Eve. She realized she'd never had anything like she had with Eve. And she never would.

"Of course I'm coming with you, my love." She turned to the mistress of the house and Carrie. "I've had a nice time, but I know where I belong... with Eve."

She gave them both a kiss on the cheek, promising to keep in touch, and then walked off, hand in hand with Eve. 

They went to a tavern for something to eat and drink.

"So, where do you want to go now?" Eve asked Melody.

"Well, I'd like to take a break from all of my crazy adventures for a while. I was thinking we go to my mother's home in Maine. I'm sure she'd love to meet you."

"I'd love to meet your mother... Maine is like a long way though."

"Let's take the train, I've always wanted to go." Melody seemed enthusiastic about it, and Eve agreed. One walk through Dallas to the train station later and they were off. On the train, they had chosen a private compartment. Normally they would have had sex, but they both wanted just to be with each other,take in the moment, and just touch each other a little.

"Eve?" said Melody.

"Yes, dove?" 

"I'll promise to never leave you again."


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