A Town for Bald Women, Final Chapter

A Town for Bald Women, Final Chapter

A few uneventful days passed in the Town for Bald Women until it was time for the wedding. It was much anticipated and pretty much everyone was looking forward to it.

Pheobe and Sasha as well as the other couple had found lovely wedding dresses for the ceremony. The attendees were free to decide what they wore. Violet, of course, was officiating.

Phoebe was getting makeup for the ceremony on when Blythe and Shelley came in. Their dresses weren't the best, but of course they were beautiful ladies.

"How are you feeling, Phoebe?" Shelley asked.

"Couldn't be better." Phoebe said in response.

"Good. I'm glad for you." She truly was.

"And Phoebe, of course, I can't thank you enough." Blythe said to her.

"Thanks. Of course, I couldn't have done it on my own. What are you going to do, Blythe?"

"Shelley's bed has room for one more, and it is a big city." she explained. She would be working Sasha's camera for the event.

And she put it to good use when the event began. It was not all traditional, as it was a Town for Bald Woman wedding. Obviously, not many family members were there. Sasha was Jewish, so they kept some elements from there. When it came to vows, both were free to express their love.

Their declarations of love were long, yet heartfelt. It was a great experience for everyone, whether they knew Phoebe and Sasha (or the other couple) or not. It was a nice way to end their time there. Blythe got decent pictures of the event. There was a nice reception as well, where a cake had been prepared.

In the back, Sophia noticed the guardian of the village. After it was over, she met her out by the church.

"I had a lovely time. Best wedding I've seen in a while. Are you staying much longer?"

"No, likely not."

"I will miss seeing all of you beautiful bald ladies. I'll have to get everyone back in town now, and things will come back to order. Won't be the same, of course." 

"It's true. I hope we get to do this again sometime." Violet walked over to them.

"I, too, would like to return here. Whatever happened may not happen again, but we can keep watch on the Town. And thank you for getting us out there in the first place, through your family." 

"Yes, I can certainly help with that. Goodbye then." The guardian said, smiling.

She started walking back to her barn. "Who was that?" Violet asked.

"I'll tell you later." Sophia answered.

The bald women's lives and meetings after that returned to normal, with some changes of course. Blythe and Shelley did indeed move in together. Phoebe started her job, and Sasha continued her photography. Violet started thinking of her daughters as her future succesors. And of course, everyone who was there, had many stories to tell about their own experience. Some even returned to that town on occasion. The normal residents didn't quite understand, but the women did.


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