Summer of Love, Part 1

1899, Paris

Opal left the carriage and set about walking the streets of the city. She had always wanted to go to Paris- much more lively and interesting than the small, boring English countryside town she was come from.

She stopped at a cafe where she enjoyed some nice French cuisine. She scribbled a few notes about her time so far- Opal was a writer, and she did this a lot, even if nothing ever came of it.

Next she stopped at a bookstore. Most of the books were in French, of course, and she was still learning- she hadn't learned much since school. 

She went up to a young woman she had heard speaking English. "Excuse me, 'Mademoiselle'" what does this mean?"

"Oh, 'the sweet love between two women.'"

Opal had guessed something like that, though she was still surprised to find it out in the open. What she wasn't expecting was to hear the woman express her admiration for the story, she had apparently read it already.

"I also admire the love between women." Opal said to the woman.

"Ah, yes. I thought so."

So they spent the rest of the day together, going onto night. The woman was happy to show Opal around the city and what she considered to be the best spots. Opal had never heard of some of them. They made a few loving embraces but nothing more than that.

After dark, the woman took her to one of the "hot spots" in town, her favorite nightclub. Opal had never been to one before, so she was eager to go. There was a show going on- it started with a few dancers, but ended with a singer.

This was also really her first time seeing a singing performance like this. The singer was still good, even to those who heard her and others like her. She was singing about the city. Later she sung songs that even Opal could recognize. Opal was enthralled.

"Are you enjoying it, Opal?" her date asked. She said nothing.

After the performance, Opal found the singer heading out.

"Hello," Opal said, "I'm Opal."

"Josette." the singer said back. Her normal voice was as great as her signing.

"I'm in the city for a while- I just got in and I must say, your signing was quite memorable."

"Oh, well, thank you." Josette went on, "Do you have anywhere to stay?"

"Oh, um, I hadn't thought about that yet actually."

"I'll let you sleep at my place tonight if you'd like." Josette offered.

Opal was surprised. "Yes, yes. That sounds nice."

They went off together. "Opal? Opal!" her previous date called out, having lost her.


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