
Showing posts from November, 2017

Sensual Ladies Day

Sensual Ladies' Day I was the first to wake up that day. My two lovers were in the bed with me, and I laid one hand on Rachel's bald head and the other on Victoria's diapered bum. I smiled- but no farther than that now! It was going to be a good day! I stayed in bed for a little while longer but rose eventually. No shower without these two! Eventually I let their eyes flutter open. Since I was up, I changed Victoria for her. Rachel was quick to step in, as she enjoyed it just as much as I did. She looked so sexy, with her bald head and light blue see-through nightdress. You could see her nipples, which I quite liked. She picked it out all on her own, too! "You're looking sexy this morning, my dear Rachel." "Only for the best!" "Oh, I don't know about that, dear..." After we were finished, breakfast was prepared. I put on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and we sat on the couch. Victoria hadn't wet her diaper yet, but that would

Rachel and Victoria

Rachel and Victoria Afternoon had come, but I had kept happy since I woke up. I had a few visitors scheduled to drop by, and girl, was I excited. The anticipation was killing me! It was mostly a lazy day, but that was sure to change soon. I was home alone, watching a video of a succession of Eastern European cuties getting their heads shaved in exchange for a new iPad when I heard a knock at the door. I smiled and jumped up to the door. My two new friends, as I'd hoped, were waiting outside. I said "Come on in!" in the very next second. These two young women I had requested specially genetically created for me in a lab. A friend had given a positive recommendation, so why not? They could be friends, lovers... whatever I wanted! I felt I should treat them with the utmost respect that they deserved in exchange. "Hey, great to meet you finally! Lovely home!" Rachel said in her cute British accent, looking around. "Thank you, I try. Would you two lovelies like

The Nickys and I

The Nickys and I Find Nicky and her photos here- As I was driving home, I was on the phone with Nicky X. I was telling her about the friend I had found in my bed that morning. "Oh dear, I don't know how she slipped away from me. I hope she's been treating you well." she said, rather embarrassed. "She's fine, she fingered me quick before she went out." "Well, that's lovely." "Yeah. I can see you in a week or two and we can get this all straightened out. Don't worry, I've got Nicky XX all happy." I didn't elaborate further before I hung up. "Hello!" several voices rung out as I came in the door. I had left Nicky XX with some friends of mine. I came in seeing Nicky XX softly caress Rachel's nude head. I also noticed Victoria's diaper was soaked and wondered if she'd had a change all day. &q

Vici Vidi Veni Chapter 2

Vici Vidi Veni, Chapter 2 On the night of his first full-fledged Roman orgy, future emperor Clemens wanted to have sex with his lover Cecelia again. She refused, stating she was tired. No matter, he masturbated all through the night, until he also was too tired to continue. The next day was quite routine and mundane. However, the day after that was more of an adventure. A senator, Crassus, on orders from Clemens' father got him and Cecelia early in the morning. Clemens liked walking the streets of Rome. He wondered if they knew he was to be their emperor one day. "Where are we going?" asked Cecelia. Crassus told her to wait and find out. This was his first year as a senator, but he had already gotten a lifetime spot at this place. This and many others like it. "Hi, Crassus!" came the voices of many young women in singsong unison. Some were dressed very seductively. Some had no clothes on at all. And, of course, some were in the full force of coitus. Cr

Queens Together, Chapter 3

Queens Together, Chapter 3 Although most of the citizens were out at the parade, there were still a good few in the tavern. They drunk their midday drinks as there were quiet conversations for once. The bartender was busy, however, as all the barmaids had gone missing. It wasn't quiet for very long though, and that mystery was solved. This went on for a little while. They couldn't complain. Finally, the queens and barmaids came from the back of the bar. Three queens, five barmaids- all completely nude from fucking. Their hair was muzzled and some still had pussy juices visible. "I love your restaurant. I own many just like it." Tiana complimented the bartender. "Why, thank you." "And you hire the best barmaids. That little rum mixer made me cum ten times at least." Rapunzel boldly informed the bartender loudly. Admittedly it was an awkward topic of conversation, especially  as it was, indeed, not that type of bar. He couldn't complain

Queens Together, Chapter 2

Queens Together, Chapter 2 "Is the parade supposed to be over soon?" Queen Ariel asked to her two other queen companions. "Hmm, I have no idea." Belle said, reading as usual. "Seems like a waste of time anyway." "I wouldn't say. I remember the Sultan's first parade... of course, he wasn't really a Sultan yet." Jasmine said. This particular trio of queens had traveled together, arriving quietly several hours ago while the kingdom was watching the others. The servants had prepared three rooms nicely for the royals, although they had done some small things to make it to their own personal liking. All three had soaked their diapers by the time they had entered, and were now enjoying the comforts of the castle.  A pretty young servant came up to the girls,smiling. "Is there anything I can do for you young highnesses? Shall I take your things upstairs, or perhaps a freshening up?"  "No, thank you. Could you guide us to our ro

Queens Together, Chapter 1

Queens Together, Chapter 1 It was a gray morning once again as Cinderella went to look. This was one of the few times during the day where she did not have to be wearing much, and was thus just wearing a gown and her night diaper. She looked down at the courtyard where, all those years ago, the pumpkin coach had brought her to the ball. "Hey, Cinderella." Snow White said coming up to her. She had basically the same thing on. "Couldn't sleep?"  "I can never sleep these days." Snow White knew the reason. That was why she was here- for the funeral of Cinderella's husband, the King, and her coronation as the sole Queen of her lands. All the queens of the area were coming to attend. She and Queen Aurora had arrived the previous day. "Well, can I get back into bed with you? You look like you need a little warming up." Cinderella did. The initial warmth from their diapers had long since faded. "That sounds great." They took off their

Mountaintop with MissNicky

Mountaintop with MissNicky My friend Nicky was getting her equipment from the car as I looked at the start of the trail. This was something new in our partnership that had run almost half a year- a shoot on top of a mountain far into Scotland. I probably should mention now that on the side, we were having some very pleasing sex. Sexy photos she took, of me naked and otherwise, certainly helped along our mutual arousal. The summer atmosphere of the day emboldened us as we joined each other's hands, photography equipment in the other. "What a nice day." I said, looking up. "Yes... the first in a long while." she said. Her blue eyes were all fun and glossy. I didn't usually take notice, but wow... she had some of the best I'd ever seen.  We began to make the long trek up. She was lightly dressed fro the occasion (as was I) wearing a small white sleeveless shirt that didn't leave much to the imagination. I wore a cute small women's t-shirt with Nicky

Vici Vidi Veni, Part I

The sun went up over the Roman Empire. Everyone from slaves to senators to soldiers woke up, ready to start their daily routines. In Rome, though, one young man had slept in. Well, several did, but there was one man who was by law and by blood special. This was Marcus Junius Clemens, or just Clemens. "Get up, boy!" His usual bed partner, Cecelia, was already out of bed and playfully grabbed a vase like she was about to throw it at him. She was the daughter of a prominent senator, who had been introduced to Clemens when they were both quite young. They had been put together in the hopes that they would like each other and be willing to get married. The first step had been completed already, as they were good friends by now. Clemens groaned. "Don't make me wake up, please... Surely there's nothing important going on today." As a matter of fact, there was, and Cecelia knew it. She had been wearing a short nightdress before, but that would have to go. It did, an

A Town for Bald Women, Chapter 2

"Thank you for inviting us all." Miss Violet said as she pulled up to the house. On top of her bald head, a large sunhat resided upon her head, as it was the next morning and sunny. Her three daughters got out with her. A carful of bald women had already arrived earlier that morning, and a lot more were on their way. "It does seem like a complete ghost town from what I've seen." Dorothy said, coming out, Etta following her. "Quite an interesting phenomenon." "Maybe there was a plague?" one of Violet's daughters asked. "Or there are ghosts and ghouls that have scared everyone away." another added. "Maybe Martians have stolen them! My friend told me-"  "Girls, calm down, please," Violet said. "I doubt it's anything like that." Her daughters could be silly at times, but in her mind they were great otherwise. All three were bald as their mother. "Well, whatever it is, how long are w